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Well she decided to throw this surprise party the same night as the bar party. He would also turn up uninvited when I was at work and I started to worry that he was obsessed with me. And because they are generally unwilling to accept imperfect men, men who join up hoping to meet a woman end up spending a lot of cash to get essentially nothing in return. She gone through my phone and got an invite list together from my facebook.

Welcome to the wild world of Plenty of Fish online dating. She was a pretty 28-year-old, who was very easy to talk to and fun to be around. That was the end of that.

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Plentyoffish dating forums are a place to meet singles and get dating advice or share dating experiences etc. Hopefully you will all have fun meeting singles and try out this online dating thing... Remember that we are the largest free online dating service, so you will never have to pay a dime to meet your soulmate. I look young for my age, so I get a lot of pedophiles who are just soooo excited that I'm old enough to drink. The creepiest part of his messages was he started describing what he hoped to see me in. Nothing sexy, but definitely stuff that a little girl would wear, like a hat with a pom-pom on it. To top it all off he wrote everything in baby talk. Saying I looked so cutesy-wutesy. I wish there was some way to report that guy to some authority. Another is a guy who I met at a mall for a first meeting and when I left he followed me into the underground parking lot and attacked me. Stein would have been better to meet. Took all I had to not be rude and scream and go running in terror sometimes... I thank GOD every day I finally met someone after 2 years of online dating who is not only attractive, has all parts and they function... I sure deserve it and never asked for anything I couldnt also be or deliver. I read the responses to your message, and while I don't have any scarey stories to tell, I am really disappointed with the guys I have met here. One guy had his friend come and 'look me over' and report back to him, another stated he was looking for long term, but talked and acted like he thought this was an online escort service. I am wondering if the biggest percentage of guys on this site aren't a bunch of creeps! I'm not giving up yet, but, gee whiz, where are the decent, 'REAL' men out there? Here is what I met on the net in the last year: bloody hell.... Lawyer, 20 years older, boring but nice, never heard from him after one date but wanted to hire me. Love to read his multiple profiles for entertainment purposes. Went out for a month, wanted to marry me after a week, he had multiple medical issues. Hit on my sis who was also on here same time as me. Asked me to watch lots of porn with him, what the hell, I tried it; trying to be open, lol. Sorry, just did not carry the cell to the potty Said he was 41, actually admitted to 55 later UPDATE hie is a DOCtor tonight.. Abused horribly as a child and really f'ed up. We actually became pals after awhile. He was fun to talk too. Then he told me to lose weight if I wanted to continue to be his friend. I weigh 90 lbs, maybe he was high He got up and moved to Florida one night, I think he was running from a bounty hunter. Wanted a Mom to move in and take over his raising of two small cute kids as his wife dumped him for a lesbian. Best relationship I ever had until I would not let him move in with me after 3 weeks so he moved to Wisconsin, but hey he fixed my computer so what can I say. Still my cool friend. On prozac for depression and bi-polar but never a dull moment with him. He actually is quite sweet. When I met him he looked totally different then he described and tried to get in my pants after drinks. Oh BTW, he just had water with lemon and asked if I would not mind having the same. Tallest man I ever met. Took me to a movie and wanted to make out the whole time. When I said no, he was suddenly EXHAUSTED--cut the date short, he emailed me the next day that I was too old for him. Met a cute Doctor in Montana, planning a visit. Maybe this one will work. Talked to him and he sounds sweet. Had another guy take me to the grocery and buy cans of soup to go to my house for dinner. Gave me a pack of generic cigarettes as a gift. There are so many more, but these are two I thought were the funniest. William Shatner has NEVER been in a better role--he's sooooo damned funny in that show! Those who list date after date that went horribly wrong---are those complaints or just laments? If you're having all these terrible encounters doesn't it make sense to wonder WHY they're happening to you? While it's entirely possilble some people could disguise themselves for a short time it seems to be someone smart would be able to see through that easily? Anything that happens over and over tends to direct a question or two towards the one it's happening to I'd think. Also, I am a nice person and assume the best of people not the worst, it could mean though that I need to be more selective, more judgemental and less gullaible. It my case I give the ugly, odd ball and the socially clueless a chance and try to see their positive traints--no I am notthe Cat's meow but--because I consider those less considered--I probably open my self up to more odd ducks because I don't judge these books bytheir covers. If you only ever date 3 people on here or any site, or generally in life, and only one is an ass, well.. I just hope everyone finds the person of their dreams who is normal and wants a normal relationship and just always be on guard!!! Not all are funny, and many people like myself probably feel their better off not discussing them. I could tell you one of mine... The extra profiles people have on this site, is about as common as seeing fireworks going off on Vic Day. They are there for the taking, and the idiots just keep adding them. I am still laughing over your post- thanks for making my day. If I actually met the men who have wanted to in the last 2 years I can assure you it would be 4 dozen or more!!! Most men will automatically want to call you on the phone or go out. I just dont' play that game, you will need to email with me, IM with me LONG before I'll even talk to you on the phone. And then only on my cell because I can block numbers. I read these stories and it scares the hell outta me. Now I know why I'm always backing out from meeting guys...

My True Online Dating Horror Story
This service is provided on Jesus Group Newspapers' Limited's in accordance with our. POF is crap, so try something else haha I met my amazing boyfriend on plenty of fish and luckily avoided anyone too creepy. Remember that we are the largest free online dating service, so you will never have to pay a print to meet your soulmate. Telling her that she wishes I was a little more tougher with my clients, saying I should charge them more, so I can work a lot less, to have more time to spend with her. Those who list date after date that went between wrong---are those complaints or just laments. The second one, ha, he had herpes and was flirting with my little sister she has POF too and so I kicked his ass to the curb. We live together now with our two furbabies and we are almost at the 3 sol mark.